17 Jan Paul McCartney in 1961 with his Rosetti Solid 7 guitar (converted to bass). Note that Paul is playing the instrument upside down with three. Hofner is a German manufacturer of musical instruments featuring electric guitars , acoustic guitars, and basses as well as other stringed instruments such as. Hofner shorty bass guitar Hofner's big break came hand-in-hand with the rise to fame of the Beatles and Paul McCartney's use of the Hofner 500/1 “violin” bass. I picked up my copy of Rock Band the Beatles the other day and was super hyped to try out the Hofner Bass and compared to my Rock Band 1 Guitar I find it. Browse for new and vintage Hofner 500/1 Violin Bass used by Paul McCartney, and guitars like the Club 40 and President also of Beatles fame.
Here is a beautiful and brand new Hofner Club Bass. Everybody knows about the Hofner Violin bass. Hofner Violin Bass, 500/1 Contemporary Series. Hofner. Best prices on Hofner Basses Hofner for sale online and in our Chicago on to become one of the most recognisable electric bass guitars in the music world in. 19 Jun The former Beatle has donated the instrument, an autographed Hofner bass violin guitar, to be sold at the 02 Silver Clef Awards which raise.
Hofner Chicago Music Exchange
27 Aug ISIS Operatives Destroy Hofner Bass Guitar Signed By Paul McCartney. Search. Top Headlines. Entertainment. Your Horoscopes — Week Of. Hofner is the legendary manufacturer of Hofner guitars, Hofner bass guitars, Hofner Violins, Hofner Violas Hofner Cellos.
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